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Our Blog: Life in Antarctica

The team packs four living modules.

Living Module Tour: With Your Host, Dr. Robin

Unfortunately, 5-star, luxury hotels are hard to come by in Antarctica. Instead, our team uses Arcs (or living modules) for all their comfort and home space needs.

A Twin Otter plane flying above SANAE station.

Last Stop: Novo

With a heavy heart I see five of my expedition friends shrink to pixels and vanish through the Twin-Otter window.

Antarctica in the dark.

7 Everyday Things that are Weird when Returning from Antarctica

Seven everyday things that are strange when returning from Antarctica.

The route to leaving Antarctica.

Leaving Antarctica

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to try to leave Antarctica? It's not as easy as it seems!

The team is hoisted up by a crane.

Ship to Sanae (just in time)

After unloading all of our gear from the ship on Dec 26th, on Dec 27th we left the ship to head inland.

Andreas and Jenny disembarking at Troll Station.

Troll Research Station, Antarctica

Our short time in Cape Town was spent discussing the upcoming work and rounding up last minute items.

 The 2016-17 field team enjoying one of Karin’s delicious meals at Wasa Station.

Eating in the Extreme

“An army marches on it’s stomach” the famous quote attributed to Napoleon Bonaparte resonates well beyond the military.

The landscape of Antarctica.

Life at home after 2 months in Antarctica

Previous blogs have covered exactly what we achieved during the 2 months of field work in Antarctica, the challenges faced, and how we...

Setting of the smoke signal.

The Journey Home

Due to the weather making us wait over a week for our flight out from Wasa, with very little work to do, we were all ready and eager to come home.

The ice runway at Wasa.

The weather dictates all…And it’s rather unpredictable

This morning was an early start after an extremely busy afternoon and late night yesterday.

The boat Agulhas II at the edge of the ice shelf.

Christmas in Antarctica

And so, both Christmas and the boat arrived. We had an early Christmas service on Christmas Eve and unloaded the boat from the edge of the ice shelf.

The truck body is separated from the frame.

Our Arctic Trucks – the coolest members of our team! Part 2

In this post we will look at the process of building the trucks.

The Arctic Trucks Hilux AT44 4x4 and 6x6 vehicles.

Our Arctic Trucks – the coolest members of our team! Part 1

Antarctica is not a small place, with an area of about 14 million square km it is about twice the size of Australia.