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The Foundation of Our Logo


Category: Engagement

Some of the potential logo designs.

A small selection of the logo designs which were received.

For #AntarcticaDay 2016, MAGIC-DML ran a logo competition, inviting people to design our logo for us. We received over 100 entries from all over the world, all great quality and it was not an easy task to decide upon the winner.

Dominic Atibil’s design was chosen as the winner and has been proudly used since.

The MAGIC-DML logo.

The Logo

Here Dominic describes how he got involved, and where he found the inspiration for his winning design:

“I found out about the Magic-DML logo design contest in an email from my Purdue academic adviser. When I started ideating for the design for the logo, I was aiming for something that would be minimal, easily recognized from a distance, and stand out against multiple-colored backgrounds if it were used on apparel and vehicle graphic wraps.

The nature of Magic-DML’s work as well as the landscape in which it is performed is so unique, I wanted to add elements of that as well. The bold black silhouette represents rocks or mountains emerging from the snow. I also wanted to represent the international collaborative effort that is Magic-DML by adding the flags of the representative countries.

I was beyond thrilled to find out that my design was chosen for the official Magic-DML logo. To have my design on equipment and vehicles in an Antarctic expedition is very exciting for me. I would compare it to having my design in an extraterrestrial environment. I have since followed Magic-DML’s Facebook page and look forward to seeing updates on their training and travel.”

A hallway in Wasa station.
A wall souvenir that represents the team's research.

It is customary and tradition for every group based at Wasa station to make a wall-souvenir which represents the group and their research. With such a lovely logo our contribution to the wall takes pride of place. (Photos - Jennifer Newall)

The team at Wasa station (credit – Carl Lunberg)

#AntarcticaDay #WasaStation #Logo