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Logo Contest - Winners Announced


Category: Engagement

We were thrilled at the response you gave to our logo contest, and very humbled by so many fantastic designs. Thank you to all who submitted an entry, we received almost 100 designs. It was a tough job to select a shortlist, let alone the winning entry. As there were not any entries for the Under 8 years or 8-12 years categories we decided to pick a winner and runner-up for both the 12-18 years and 18+ years categories. And here they are:

The four logo finalists.

From these winning entries we then had to decide which is the overall winner, and new logo for the MAGIC-DML project. Please join us in congratulating Dominic Atibil from the USA. Your design has been selected as the overall winner of the competition and will be used as the logo for MAGIC-DML.

Dominic Atibil's winning logo design.

#Logo #AntarcticaDay